Picture perfect pairing

One of my favorite past times is Pinning…. On Pinterest!

i love the creativeness! From the interesting new recipe ideas (that I hope to cook or have someone cook for me) the adorably cute baby nursery themes (I have about 8 planned for my ‘future’ babies) fun activities to do with my toddler and the BEAUTIFUL photography shoots

So when one of my dear friends (who just happens to be a wonderfully talented international photographer) came up with the fabulous idea of a collaboration between Moo Cachoo and Christine W Photography, involving styled photo shoots, my Pinterest addiction nearly overdosed on the excitement!!!

I was introduced to Christine by a mutual friend roughly 8 years ago – and many glasses of wine and friendship later – she was the natural choice for me to have her as our photographer capturing the special moments at my wedding! Which still makes me all choked up and teary-eyed looking back at that magical day- captured perfectly! But above her amazing talent, is Christine gigantic heart! She is the type of friend who can hug with words -all the way from snowy Canada! Needless to say – she has many clients who start out as a stranger but leave as a friend.

Christine’s beautiful brainchild was to host limited mini sessions especially for Mommy and their little loves, in gorgeously themed shoots, styled using yours truly (Moo Cachoo) products. Fairy garden, back to school, bakers man, Christmas came early, bohemian beauties- ooooh the ideas are endless!

Being a Mom myself, I adore the idea of having a photo shoot (who doesn’t want to play dress up?!) it being a short and sweet time slot (before my little model needs a bottle break) and capture our special relationship forever at this fleeting time of having a toddler! So not only is the pairing of Moo Cachoo and Christine W Photography lady bosses just dandy, our Moo Cachoo Mini shoots and you are a perfect match up too!

Book your slot today on http://bit.ly/MooCaChooMinis




Moo Cachoo mini shoot launch

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